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What to consider when buying translation

The translation industry is huge: it is expected to reach a revenue of 37 billion dollars by 2018, and it is growing every year. Translation projects are however not straightforward: from knowing your translators, to getting familiar with the industry’s … Read More


The dangers of machine translation

Hands up if you’ve ever used Google Translate? Well, me too! I’m guessing we’ve all used it at some point whilst surfing the net, but for what purpose? For me, it’s mainly when shopping on Japanese or Korean e-commerce sites, … Read More

Do You Trust Your Existing Multilingual Content?

Do You Trust Your Existing Multilingual Content?

The now cliché expression “lost in translation” is often thrown about when referring to misunderstandings between people communicating across language barriers, but in reality it’s incredibly important to be wary of your message being miscommunicated when it comes to the … Read More
