Posting on the International Search Summit from London | multilingual search Enquire Now

Posting on the International Search Summit from London

There were technical problem related to our live blogging during the recent International Search Summit causing bad formatting in all posts – We apologize for the inconvenience – posts are now “readable” – always consider this was a live blogging 🙂

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Sante J. Achille

2 Responses to Posting on the International Search Summit from London

  1. Sante J. Achille says:

    Hi Valery,
    thank you for your inquiry I am very happy to further elaborate for you.

    If you have read posts I have published, you know I am on WordPress with my personal Blog and have been recommending WordPress as a multilingual blogging platform to all my Clients. It will work fine and the Search Engines will not have an issue or get confused in identifying languages used.

    With th eplugin I have developed called Blogslot, you can easliy manage an indefinite number of languages – you need only to setup with a bit of planning your feeds.

    You might want to take a look at Serendipity, a less known platform that offers stability and functionality but is not that popular and certainly does not have the follow and common knowledge that WordPress can offer.

    So downlaod and test Serendipity, see if all your needs are covered by that platform, and then take a look at wordPress, knowing you are home and dry with the latter when it comes to multilingual blogging.

    I discourage use of any free platforms for serious blogging efforts – you’ll be sorry very soon … hops this helps and good lick with your multilingual blogging efforts 🙂

  2. Valery says:

    Hi Sante,

    I’ve seen already your contribution to the subject “multilingual blogging” on other sites. So, maybe you could recommend a good platform to stick to for a multilingual blogger?

    I’d be happy to allow users to choose the languages they can read on my blog and go on with this sub-content. Also, I’d like to have an ability to add later translations to the popular articles.

    it would be great to use WordPress or blogspot.


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