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Second Life, not so big in Japan… yet

Japan.Internet.com and goo Research announced the results of their survey about the Second Life in Japan. The survey was conducted against 1087 Internet users in Japan. While Second Life has been receiving many media attentions, it seems that not many people are fully aware of what the Second Life is. See some of the data from the survey below:

Q: How well do you know about Second Life?
Understand it very well with great knowledge – 3.5%
Have some level of knowledge – 26.4%
Have heard the name, but don’t know much about it – 37.90%
I’ve never heard about it – 32.2%

Q: Have you used Second Life?
Never used it before – 80.6%
Yes, I use it – 1.2%
I used to use it, but not anymore – 3%
I’ve accessed to the site, but haven’t used it – 15.2%

Q: Would you like to use Second Life in future?
Yes, I’d like to use it – 6.44%
No, I’m not interested – 48.67%
I’m not sure – 44.9%

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Motoko Hunt

President & Search Marketing Strategist at AJPR
Motoko Hunt manages the SEO for all of Adobe's properties in Japan and the APAC region. Prior to joining Adobe, Motoko established AJPR in 1998; she has been providing search marketing consulting services targeting Japan and Asia to companies around the world. Her services have made a big impact on the search marketing campaigns of some of the world's most popular multi-national brands. A number of her articles have been published on industry websites and printed media including MultiLingual Computing and the International Journal of Localisation. She also writes about the Japanese online market on her blog at AJPR and contributes to several online magazines in Japan and Asia. She served as a member of the board of directors of SEMPO in 2010-2012, and is a chairperson of the SEMPO Asia-Pacific Committee.

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