Why Australians Need To Prepare For Chinese SEO | multilingual search Enquire Now

Why Australians Need To Prepare For Chinese SEO

Many of Australia’s most popular websites have encountered some interesting statistics over the course of the past 3 months.

That is an increasing amount of visitors coming from China, 1 in 3 websites in Australia will have China as a main source of visitors when segmented by country.

What this means is that companies with websites which service international areas need to adopt a mulitlingual platform to make it easier to read for foreigners coming to the site.

Under 1% of websites in Australia have a multilingual platform, now is the time that websites in Australia need to adopt Chinese content, fristly it will boost conversions and secondly it will help with SEO.

The majority of these visitors are finding the websites by typing in certain keywords into Chinese search engines, so optimising websites for the Chinese market is the only way to go for companies in 2013.

Also with the continuous influx of Chinese into Australia, it is only going to become common for websites to appeal to them, the Chinese market is a massive niche for all businesses so adopting a sound search and SEO strategy will only help the cause and the online economy in Australia.

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John Vlasakakis is the Co-Director of Australian SEO company Maps Gurus, one of the leading SEO companies in the country, providing SEO advice to many of Australia’s largest corporations. Initially starting his career in sales for SEO, John developed a passion for developing productive SEO campaigns for many companies which has gained millions in revenue since.

One Response to Why Australians Need To Prepare For Chinese SEO

  1. Ernie Diaz says:

    Nice one, John, a good intro. Let me add that without a preponderance of Mandarin on your site, Baidu will leave you in the sandbox, UNLESS there is no similar Mandarin info out there, which for specialized goods and services from Australia, is frequently the case. For example, if you’re selling Barramundi, that Mandarin will go a long way, as there are virtually no Chinese sites promoting it. For something like an organic skincare product, however, you better have a mirror site in Mandarin, and I won’t even go into hosting issues…

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