On October 23rd, Net Ratings put out the top 10 property ranking sites in Japan for the month of September 2006.
According to their research, Google made the top 10 ranking for the first time in history with more than 5 mil increase in the number of users compared to the results from September 2005. During the same period, Google’s page view has increased from 1.18bil to 1.98bil.
Net Ratings says that Google’s non-search services such as tool bar, news, and maps are the main reason for the increase in number of users and the page views.
=== Top 10 Property in September 2006 ===
Site – Users in mil (from 2005) / Page views in bil (from 2005)
1. Yahoo – 38.49 (14.2%+) / 23.62 (7.9%+)
2. Rakuten – 25.72 (10.3%+) / 4.31 (9.5%+)
3. Microsoft – 25.52 (no change) / 1.54 (no change)
4. NTT Communications – 24.18 (no change) / 1.49 (no change)
5. GMO Internet – 23.30 (13.3%+) / 1.34 (4.6%+)
6. Nifty – 21.50 (8.9%+) / 0.99 (2.8%+)
7. NEC – 19.72 (13.1%+) / 0.82 (12.5%+)
8. FC2 – 17.88 (35.1%+) / 1.00 (59.1%+)
9. Amazon – 17.47 (21.9%+) / 0.56 (40.6%+)
10. Google – 17.38 (43.4%+) / 1.98 (67.6%+)

Motoko Hunt

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Hi David,
I believe one of the major reasons for Yahoo being very popular in Japan is that Japanese like the portal sites, and majority of visitors to Yahoo go there to use non-search services.
Gooogle is finally catching up in the number of users with its map, calender, and other services.
Wow, Yahoo is still leading the pack. This battle is going on all over the world. Wonder why Yahoo is so popular in Japan and Google is fighting so hard for market share, any theories?