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The Netherlands Leading Global LinkedIn and Twitter Reach

Social Media has now reached 96% penetration in The Netherlands, with global sites Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn all growing rapidly in the country. It is still one of the few markets where a local social network is the most popular and Dutch site Hyves is still hanging on to its lead over Facebook.  However Facebook has seen a huge 76% growth in the past year, indicating that this lead may not last for much longer.

LinkedIn and Twitter have also seen significant growth (70% and 67% respectively) and The Netherlands tops the table for the highest penetration rates for both sites, globally.

English-speaking markets dominate  for LinkedIn with Ireland, the US, Canada and the UK making up the rest of the top 5, compared with Twitter which spans a range of continents and languages. Japan, Brazil, Indonesia and Venezuela all follow the Netherlands, with Turkey, Argentina and Singapore also making the top 10.

For more details visit comscore.com

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Gemma Houghton

Director of Marketing at Webcertain
Gemma has worked in international search marketing for over 15 years and is Director of Marketing at Webcertain, overseeing all marketing activities for the Group. She also organises and programmes Webcertain’s International Search Summit and International Social Summit, Barcelona-based conferences focusing on international and multilingual digital marketing. Gemma holds a Professional Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a Diploma in Management and Leadership from the Chartered Management Institute, and a BA joint honours degree in French and German.

One Response to The Netherlands Leading Global LinkedIn and Twitter Reach

  1. empresas de consultoria says:

    Nice analysis from comscore, this tools had to be used everywhere, with all languages.

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