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Digital marketing in Asia in 2024

If you are an international digital marketer with experience targeting the Asian market, then you will know that you cannot treat the vast continent of “Asia” as one singular entity. As well as the obvious differences in language between countries, … Read More

Baidu search advertising tips for 2024

What is Baidu? Baidu is the longest-running and most popular search engine in China, with 60% of the search engine market share and over 660 million monthly active users. Baidu’s dominance is a result of its superior local knowledge, compliance … Read More


Mobile SEO on Google, Yandex and Baidu

The online world is increasingly mobile. The number of mobile searches now surpasses the number of desktop searches and this gap is widening all the time. In fact, in many countries, mobile is the most common device that people use … Read More

3 things to know about technical SEO on Baidu

This blog post was updated on 27 October 2022. If you are targeting the Chinese market, then you need to focus your search marketing efforts on the country’s most popular search engine: Baidu. However, it is important to note that … Read More


10 Top Tips For Succeeding Online In China

China offers huge opportunities for international businesses, but it is important to understand the unique Chinese internet landscape, language, culture and present challenges when running a business in China. Today we will highlight some of the common misconceptions and mistakes … Read More
