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World Statistics

Russian Internet daily audience has grown 29%

The second annual conference “Audience Control and Advertising in the Internet” has just come to a close in Moscow. More then 300 people from different regions of Russia came to the capital to discuss internet advertising perspectives, 2 times more … Read More

Silver surfers cause worldwide internet growth

The Pew Global Attitudes Project has released a report illustrating the rapid growth of internet use globally. Much of this growth can be put down to more women and over 50’s coming online across Western Europe. The report also contains … Read More

280Bil. yen – Japan online ads market

Dentsu has published “Advertising Costs in Japan, 2005” on February 20th, 2006. The report shows that the total internet advertisement spending in 2005 is 280.8 billion yen (approx. $230mil), which is 54.8% up from the previous year. The total for … Read More

China's online ad spending surges

Online ad revenue passed magazine ad spending in China and is expected to pass broadcast ad spending this year, according to iResearch as reported by the Shanghai Daily. The majority of online ad spending is at the portals, Sina, Sohu … Read More

.eu domain registrations lag behind in Spain

As Nick Wilsdon reported, the .eu domain has been available since December 7th. But it looks like Spanish companies have showed little interest for the all European domain. The day registration opened to registered trademark owners, had little impact on … Read More
