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Bulgarian search engines – where are they?

Bulgarian internet is getting bigger and mature. Many statistics prove that fact. Millions of web users are now online. Thounsand and hundreds of thousands of websites are serving their needs. Still, Bulgarian search engines are nowhere to be seen on … Read More

Ask Jeeves’s Japanese blog search

According to the Search Engine Journal blog, Ask Jeeves has released a new blog search engine for Japan. The launch coincides with the Google announcement earlier this week about the beta of its own blog search. Apparently there are 3.35 … Read More

Microsoft looking to settle with Lee, Google

Though the NY Post headline reads “Bested Microsoft offers Google truce” – that they are willing to settle with Google and former employee Kai-Fu Lee, a China development expert, suggests they are ready to move on. Obviously Lee will be … Read More

Microsoft to outsource 1,000 jobs to China

According to the Seattle Times, Microsoft announced it will outsource over 1,000 jobs to China in the near future. Coming at a time when Google and Microsoft are feuding over Mr. Lee who has extensive experience and connections in the … Read More
