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Baidu high on censorship

According to a recent article in The Guardian, Chinese search engine Baidu founder, Robin Li, may have shown he can go toe to toe with Google in China, but it also indicates he is heavy on censorship. As the article … Read More

Sunrise .eu period now open

The long awaited .eu domain name opened today for applications. The ‘sunrise’ period will run from 7th of December to 7th April 2006 to allow those with prior claim to secure their domains before they are made available on a … Read More

Naver is number one search engine in Korea with 68% share

Korea came 13th in an annual survey of brand value of countries, the Institute for Industrial Policy Studies said yesterday. The government-affiliated think tank also said Samsung retained the number1 position in brand value among Korean companies. For internet portals, … Read More

ICANN to approve .asia domain

A recent article at Bizreport.com indicated that ICANN has given tentative approval of the .asia domain. This should help some, while also causing the usual stampede for open domains. The question remains is this another false lead – like the … Read More

Yahoo! Japan to increase page views by 10%

Since Yahoo Japan has switched to the page search instead of the directory search in October 3, the overall search page view has increased by 200mil (10%) from September. The directory search was decreased only by 20%. It seems that … Read More

Chinese hate voicemail

There was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal today about how the Chinese hate to use voicemail. Basically it interferes with their culture. Leaving messages for people of lower status is seen as a loss of face. Most … Read More

Keynote to undertake China search engines study

Keynote Systems (Nasdaq “KEYN”) a provider of e-business performance management services will undertake a study of China’s rapidly growing and highly competitive search engine market. The study will evalute Yahoo! China, Baidu, Google China and Sohu/Sogou incorporating 1,200 Chinese Internet … Read More

Google Japan's sitemaps beta

November 17, 2005 Google launched the Japanese version of Sitemaps beta. This is the same service started in US in June, and gives query stats, crawl stats, page analysis, and index stats. Japanese version of Google mobile sitemaps is now … Read More

Japanese doesn't shop holiday gifts online?

According to the survey done by Internet.com (japan.internet.com) and Infoplant (www.info-plant.com), only 20% answered that they used websites to research the restaurants and/or hotels where they spent the last holiday seasons. Also, out of 300* survey participants, only 26 answered … Read More
