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Elin Box

Elin is a Content Marketing Manager at Webcertain. She is responsible for Webcertain’s Self-learning platform, producing in-depth guides on a range of international digital marketing topics. She also helps run the Webcertain blog and is the writer of the Webcertain search and social report, an annual report summarising digital marketing best practices in over 50 countries. She is passionate about educating and empowering people to make the best decisions for their business and is proud to help share Webcertain’s wealth of digital marketing knowledge with the world. Elin is from the UK.

3 tips for digital marketing in Sweden

This blog post was updated on 29 August 2023. Sweden is one of the most digitally mature markets in the world. 94% of the country’s 10.6 million-strong population are online, spending an average of 6 hours and 2 minutes online … Read More

How to produce multilingual videos for YouTube

If you are thinking of creating YouTube videos for multiple markets, then you need to ask yourself two questions: firstly, is the video relevant for your target market, and secondly, how are you going to localise the video’s language? The … Read More

International digital marketing quiz

The Webcertain Search And Social Report provides the most up-to-date information about search engine and social media usage in 20 different countries across four different continents. Want to see how much you know already? Test your knowledge with the short … Read More


YouTube marketing: Video pre-production advice

So, you want to create awesome videos on YouTube? That’s great! After all, YouTube is the world’s most popular video platform, second most popular search engine, and third most popular website. But you can’t rush into this blindly. The preparation … Read More

Digital marketing in Poland

This blog post was updated on 16 December 2022. Poland is an attractive prospect to many businesses looking to expand internationally, and there are several reasons why. The first reason is its size: it is a relatively large country, with … Read More


How to set up your YouTube channel

You must have a Google Account in order to sign in to YouTube. You will already have a Google Account if you have ever signed into any Google product, such as Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, Blogger etc. If you do … Read More
