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Middle East

Al Arabiya.net is the busiest Arabic website – it is official

ABC Electronic audit says that the busiest ‘audited’ website in the Arabic language is the Dubai-based news site Al Arabiya.net with 22 million page views in November 06 – the audit period. Al Arabiya.net was launched in March 2003 as a satellite channel giving 24 hour Arabic-language news across 5 continents. Its portal-style website also features an Arabic-language search engine and claims to have over one million page views per day. … Read More

Google participates in Cairo ICT 2007

Google established their Middle Eastern branch in Egypt last year for Business Development purpose; now they are strengthening their regional existence by taking part of the most important IT events in the region at Cairo ICT Exhibition from February 4 – 7, 2007. … Read More

Sawafi: A new Arabic search engine

Threadwatch carries the news that Seekport are partnering with an Arabic company to create a new Arabic language search engine: “There is no (full) Arabic Internet search engine on the market. You find so-called search engines, but they involve a … Read More

Algeria has 1 million internet users

Not much is reported on search engine or internet use in the Arab world, relatively speaking, but the Algeria-based Confederation of Finance and Account Executives has published figures giving Algeria 1 million internet users from a 32 million population. Sources: … Read More
