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Free Marketing Guide to China

MarketingSherpa, the popular research site, has released the first of a free two part series on marketing to China. Special Report Part I: Marketing to China — Overcoming the Top 5 Challenges The biggest mistake companies make is “approaching China … Read More

Yahoo reveals huge ambitions in China

According to Chinatechnews Yahoo’s ambitions in China are enormous – targeting a 200% in market share following the successful integration of Alibaba. Tian Jian is reported as saying that Yahoo aims to become the “top search and lifestyle brand in … Read More

China's online ad spending surges

Online ad revenue passed magazine ad spending in China and is expected to pass broadcast ad spending this year, according to iResearch as reported by the Shanghai Daily. The majority of online ad spending is at the portals, Sina, Sohu … Read More

Google to launch censored .cn website in China

Google will launch the new version of its search engine using the China “.cn” suffix. A Chinese-language version of Google’s search engine was available at the .com address but because of the Chinese government’s filtering it was often inaccesible or … Read More

Internet in China is closed for business

Shakil Khan, well known commentator and "Man on The Ground" in China, reports on the hype surrounding online opportunities in the country. What I see around me is a lot of "Smoke and Mirrors" activity taking place, and I think … Read More

Microsoft opens online ad research center in China

Microsoft in a bid to keep up with Baidu, Yahoo! China and Google has opened an “adlab” in China. This research lab will focus on improving Microsoft’s pay per click advertising program, adCenter. Microsoft originally tested adCenter in Singapore. Source: … Read More

Guanxi: secret to marketing in China

A recent article at CMO magazine discusses the subtleties of marketing in China. The use of guanxi – your “network of influence” or your sphere of friends and acquaintences – is explained as being far more valuable than other Western … Read More

China search engine landscape article

Since my fellow contributing editors are providing information about regional search engines, I decided to post an article I wrote prior to speaking at Search Engine Strategies “Global Search Landscape” session in Chicago. Our own Andy Atkins-Kruger, Web Certain and … Read More
