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Google signs up 8th AdWords agent in China

Google, the world’s leading search engine service provider, authorized Shenzhen Metropolis Search to sell Google AdWords service in Shenzhen and the Shantou area of Guangdong Province in southern China. Shenzhen Metropolis Search was set up in 2005. CE Dongli Technology … Read More

China Mobile and Google talk cell phone search

China Mobile, China’s largest cell phone carrier based on number of subscribers (260 million), and Google are in talks to create a mobile services search engine. China Mobile is seeking ways to offset declining revenues from voice services. No details … Read More

China's leading search engine launches "Baidupedia"

Baidu, China’s leading search engine, launched a censored version of the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. The website Baike.Baidu.com is also referred to as “Baidupedia”. Late last year China blocked all access to Wikipedia. Registered users can contribute but Baidu also hires … Read More

Google's Gu Ge is no Gou Gou in China

Google’s new name, Gu Ge which loosely translated means harvest song, is getting a lot of feedback and most of it is negative. In a recent poll by Sina.com, 85% of those responding were opposed to the Gu Ge name. … Read More

Baidu and Intel to work on search applications in China

Baidu, China’s leading search engine, and Intel signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to cooperate in the development of Internet search and related applications in China. The two companies will work together to develop search applications for personal computers, laptops, … Read More

Free Marketing Guide to China Part 2

A quick reminder to all of you working in the Chinese Market, MarketingSherpa has released the second part of their free two part report on the subject (part 1 covered here) It focuses on mobile marketing, search marketing, and Internet … Read More

Google is now Gu Ge or "Harvest Song" in China

Google CEO Eric Schmidt defended Google’s cooperation with the Chinese government’s censorship while announcing their new Chinese name in Beijing Wednesday. Scmidt told reporters “The number one goal, by far, is to serve the Chinese citizen who wants information” . … Read More

China search marketers protest Baidu, Google actions

An organization of more than 600 Chinese search marketing agencies accused the major search engines in China of taking their customers away. The current contracts with search engines treat the agencies as intermediaires and changing the relationship could spell doom … Read More

Baidu still reigns supreme in China

According to iResearch, a market research company in China that focuses on Internet media, e-commerce, online games, wireless value-added and other new economic fields which relate to Internet industry, Baidu controls 56.6 % of the search market share. Following at … Read More

China's search industry to face "sharp slowdown"

According to Analysys International, an Internet based provider of business information, China’s search engine industry will experience a sharp slowdown in revenue growth over the next 18 months. Search engine users are dissatisfied with search results and advertisers aren’t seeing … Read More

China aims to can spam with new measures

With 60% of the emails in China considered spam, China’s Ministry of Information enacted their first anti-spam measures to take effect on March 30th. Unfortunately these measures are purely administrative and only apply to anyone operating an email service. China … Read More
