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Digital marketing in Asia in 2024

If you are an international digital marketer with experience targeting the Asian market, then you will know that you cannot treat the vast continent of “Asia” as one singular entity. As well as the obvious differences in language between countries, … Read More

Naver search advertising tips for 2024

What is Naver? Naver is one of the most popular search engines in South Korea, with approximately 40 million people in South Korea (around 80% of the population) being active users. The screenshot below shows what Naver looks like on … Read More

Naver social media marketing tips for 2024

What is Naver? Naver is a South Korean online platform that offers a wide range of services including a search engine, news portal, email, online shopping and social networking. In the screenshot below, you can see various icons displayed below … Read More

How to win at social media on Naver

This blog post was updated on 16 July 2024. Naver is a popular search engine in South Korea, and a very different one from Google. Whilst Google has a minimalistic style, Naver is full of content, with many different sections … Read More


The most popular South Korean search engines

(Updated with the latest stats on April 2020) South Korea is an appealing destination for many businesses that are considering expanding internationally. The country has a high level of internet penetration, with 96% of its 51 million inhabitants being online. … Read More

3 differences between Naver Ad and Google Ads

If you are planning to advertise in South Korea, then you need to know how to make the most of the local search engine, Naver. Naver has an advertising platform that is equivalent to Google Ads, called Naver Ad. However, … Read More
