Enquire Now


Google imitates Zoeken.nl?

According to news on SEW is Google currently testing a feature which we know from the Dutch Search Engine Zoeken.nl as keyword-clustering. Google offers this new tool as a “quick result”. We have already seem this tool at Google Base … Read More

Korean site drags Google into david-goliath match

“Don’t be evil? Don’t trust Google!” Google was accused by a Korean community site(www.humoruniv.com) of not paying the Korean site for having Google’s AdSense on its Web site for two months. The site was supposed to receive a check of … Read More

Microsoft opens online ad research center in China

Microsoft in a bid to keep up with Baidu, Yahoo! China and Google has opened an “adlab” in China. This research lab will focus on improving Microsoft’s pay per click advertising program, adCenter. Microsoft originally tested adCenter in Singapore. Source: … Read More

Offline Google Ads

The first Google offline content ads appeared in the ‘Sun-Times’, as reported by the Chicago Times on 12 December. They have closed a deal which allows them to fill a column on the right with 15 positions. They even seem … Read More

Guanxi: secret to marketing in China

A recent article at CMO magazine discusses the subtleties of marketing in China. The use of guanxi – your “network of influence” or your sphere of friends and acquaintences – is explained as being far more valuable than other Western … Read More

Microsoft's new strategic partnership in Japan

On December 27, Microsoft, Japan Telecom and Softbank BB announced the development of “Messenger Joint Communication Services” with their strategic partnership. This service ensures the security by combining the network infrastructure and the services such as VoIP, E-mail, internet access, … Read More

Is China the next big thing?

Jamie Gottlieb over at Adotas.com gives an interesting spin on the rampant growth of online marketing in China. She suggests the billion dollar investment by Yahoo!, the data center being developed by Google and IPOs like Baidu.com – all suggest … Read More

China search engine landscape article

Since my fellow contributing editors are providing information about regional search engines, I decided to post an article I wrote prior to speaking at Search Engine Strategies “Global Search Landscape” session in Chicago. Our own Andy Atkins-Kruger, Web Certain and … Read More

The Search Engine Landscape in Denmark

Inspired by Kristjan’s post about Iceland, here is a short run down of the Search Engine Landscape in Denmark The search market in Denmark has historically, until the worldwide Google dominance, been driven by local directory Jubii (sold to Swedish … Read More
