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How to target Chinese travellers online

This blog post was updated on 26 October 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic devastated the international tourism industry, with strict travel rules meaning holidays were firmly off the itinerary. But, as the world gradually opens back up, we should feel confident … Read More

5 tips for universities targeting Chinese students

This blog post was updated on 20 December 2022. The flow of Chinese international students has slowed over the last three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, China is still the world’s largest source of international students and many … Read More

3 things to know about technical SEO on Baidu

This blog post was updated on 27 October 2022. If you are targeting the Chinese market, then you need to focus your search marketing efforts on the country’s most popular search engine: Baidu. However, it is important to note that … Read More


The most popular South Korean search engines

(Updated with the latest stats on April 2020) South Korea is an appealing destination for many businesses that are considering expanding internationally. The country has a high level of internet penetration, with 96% of its 51 million inhabitants being online. … Read More

3 differences between Naver Ad and Google Ads

If you are planning to advertise in South Korea, then you need to know how to make the most of the local search engine, Naver. Naver has an advertising platform that is equivalent to Google Ads, called Naver Ad. However, … Read More


The best of 360 Search

360 Search is the second largest search engine in China, with over 35% of the market share. It is a product of Qihoo 360, a Chinese cyber security company whose free anti-virus software is the most popular and trusted in … Read More
