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Yahoo! Japan's keyword input assist

On March 15, Yahoo! Japan opened the beta version of Keyword input assist. When a search user types the first several character of the search word, it will display a list of related keywords. This function is available to the … Read More

ICANN: Preparing to internationalize domains

In August, we discussed Chile’s move to internationalize the .cl domain, by allowing for non-english letters, such as “ñ”, “ü” and 7 other international characters. It was certainly an exciting step. But for global internet users and companies as a … Read More

Japan blog association

Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has established Japan Blog Association on February 28, 2006. Its purpose is to perform research, study, support, etc. about Blog, and to provide the information and environment for Blog users to enjoy blogging … Read More

Yahoo reveals huge ambitions in China

According to Chinatechnews Yahoo’s ambitions in China are enormous – targeting a 200% in market share following the successful integration of Alibaba. Tian Jian is reported as saying that Yahoo aims to become the “top search and lifestyle brand in … Read More

Interactive Media in Brazil

Starting today you’ll find here updated content about Brazil’s interactive media market, with focus on SEM. As an introduction, here’s the internet landscape in Brazil: – 31 million users (as per Jan.2006; ranks #7 in the world) – users spend … Read More

280Bil. yen – Japan online ads market

Dentsu has published “Advertising Costs in Japan, 2005” on February 20th, 2006. The report shows that the total internet advertisement spending in 2005 is 280.8 billion yen (approx. $230mil), which is 54.8% up from the previous year. The total for … Read More

Growing Japanese Electro-communication Market

According to the 2005 4th quarter Electro-Communication Study done by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Electro-communication market is growing rapidly in Japan. The results show there are 14,310,000 DSL contractors, 3,978,500 FTTH contractors, and 10,022,000 IP phone numbers. … Read More

Google opens google in iceland

Google has opened www.google.is as a regional version of their search engine. They seem to be recognizing Iceland as a viable market even though it’s small. They have even made Picasa in Icelandic – http://picasa.google.com/intl/is/!
