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Очередной успех Yandex на рынке PPC рекламы

В июне мы рассказывали о новой услуге Yandex Direct этой самой крупной российской поисковой системы. В то время как Yandex с большим отрывом доминирует на российском интернет рынке (его доля составляет здесь 52%), популярность Google среди российских пользователей растет – … Read More

Yandex keeps pace up in Russian PPC Market

Back in June we discussed the launch of Yandex Direct, from Russia’s largest Search Engine. While Yandex still dominates the market with a 52% share, Google has begun to catch up with recent figures showing 16% (a climb of 10% … Read More

Portugal: 72% book hotel accommodation online

Recently, Vector21 conducted a very exciting study of online trends in the tourism arena, just for Portugal. Surveying people in Lisbon, Porto and Algarve, Vector21 found that 78.6% confirmed that they are internet users, while 50% stated that they did … Read More

Google betas China local search

Seems Google is responding to recent surveys that have Baidu taking a lead in the Chinese market. They have released China Local Search. News coverage and other blogs have been quick to notice and comment. Since Biadu went public recently … Read More

Chirac's new innovation agency guns for Google

French President, Jacques Chirac has reinforced the development of a eurocentric search engine, baptised ‘Quaero’ from the Latin, by committing France’s new innovation agency to developing a Franco-German search engine to compete with the ‘Americans’. This makes the development one … Read More

Google loses ground to Baidu

Google’s share of China’s Internet search engine market is being rapidly eroded by its Chinese rival Baidu.com Inc, according to new report released today. The report was based on figures from Xinhau, the quasi-government China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC) … Read More
