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Digital marketing for global brands


Marketing in travel and tourism

The travel and tourism industry is one of the world’s largest industries, and constantly growing. But what do we mean by this label? And what should marketers keep in mind when working in this sector? Here’s a taste from our … Read More


Personalisation in digital marketing

There’s no denying that personalisation plays an increasingly big part in providing a good online customer experience. But what is personalisation, and how can you include it in your marketing strategy? Why personalisation? Personalisation consists in providing the right message … Read More


Mobile SEO on Google, Yandex and Baidu

The online world is increasingly mobile. The number of mobile searches now surpasses the number of desktop searches and this gap is widening all the time. In fact, in many countries, mobile is the most common device that people use … Read More

How to do international keyword research

This blog post was updated on 28 July 2021. I am sure you know that translating keywords from one country and language to another is a big no-no, but do you know what you need to do instead? For international … Read More


What is SEO-localisation?

Have you ever heard of multilingual SEO, SEO-friendly translation, or SEO-translation? These are all different ways to indicate the process of combining search engine optimisation and localisation. However, we at Webcertain didn’t feel that any of these terms fully conveyed … Read More
