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Digital marketing for global brands

How to succeed with Naver SEO in South Korea

With an internet penetration of 82.5% and a staggering wireless broadband penetration of 99.3%, South Korea is one of the most mature online markets in the world. The country is very active in terms of e-commerce, with the average South … Read More

Chinese SEO Baidu

How to start an effective Chinese SEO campaign for Baidu

Since China has replaced Japan as the second largest economy, and the continued appreciation of Chinese Yuan (CNY), the Chinese market is getting more attention than ever. For international businesses to reach Chinese customers, the optimisation of their Chinese websites … Read More

Russians use Yandex abroad

Why Russians living abroad prefer Yandex to Google

Over 27 million Russians live outside of Russia, as well as an extra few million Russian-speakers. Although many will adopt the language of their new home, this massive community still widely use their mother-tongue – including communication in virtual space. … Read More

Pros and Cons of Naver Search Ads

The pros and cons of working with Naver Ad

Naver is one of largest search engines in the world, covering 73% of searches in major international economy, South Korea. Similar to Google that owns the famous PPC platform – Google Ads, Naver has also developed its own PPC platform … Read More

Do You Trust Your Existing Multilingual Content?

Do You Trust Your Existing Multilingual Content?

The now cliché expression “lost in translation” is often thrown about when referring to misunderstandings between people communicating across language barriers, but in reality it’s incredibly important to be wary of your message being miscommunicated when it comes to the … Read More
