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Yahoo to aquire 100% of Overture Japan stock share

On August 31, Yahoo announced that they acquired 100% of Overture Japan’s stock. With this acquisition, Yahoo aims to become the largest share holder in the search engine marketing industry. (200 stocks, US$13,426,000.00) The announcement included no particular changes in … Read More

IAB Brazil launches SEM glossary

IAB Brazil’s Search Engine Marketing Committee launched last week a SEM Glossary. Main objective is educate the market about main terms and definitions. The document is in portuguese and is available for download at IAB website Members of IAB Brazil … Read More

Italians online: -3% in June

Nielsen/NetRatings reports a 3% decrease in online presence in Italy during the month of June when compared to previous month. The report states the decrease in online presence as physiological and in line with previous seasonal fluctuations with 20,7 million … Read More
