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Digital marketing for global brands

Russia's Yandex courting foreign investors in the US

There has been a renewed interest in RuNet developments this month after the successful trip by Russian mega-portal Yandex to Silicon Valley. The Moscow-based company met with several potential strategic partners including “leading search firms”. An announcement is expected by … Read More

Alibaba rolls out a "new" Yahoo! China

As the Chinese search engine battle heats up, Alibaba’s Jack Ma sets his sights on the gold medal with a relaunch of Yahoo! China. Goodbye portal, hello search! According to investment bank Piper Jaffray, daily searches by Internet users in … Read More

Autonomy provides video search in China

Autonomy launched its service of a joint venture with China Netcom Broadband (CNCBB), one of China’s largest Internet companies, in an effort to upstage Google and Yahoo. This joint venture allows the Chinese to search the Internet for news and … Read More

Google starts business in Hungary – officially

Nepszabadság Online reported Google has launched its own Ltd in Hungary. The Google Számítástechnikai Szolgáltató Kft. (Google IT Services Ltd.) has 25 million HUF capital (approx. EUR 100.000), The management are David C. Drummond, George Reyes and Nikesh Arora. Although … Read More

Google IG homepage in Dutch

Google Startpage has launched yesterday, amonog the countries, The Netherlands!! You have to search for the hyperlink on Google to IG but now I have the possibility to get my own Google page with feeds, news, weather, stocks and of … Read More

Anti-Google protest from German authors

German authors have mounted a protest against Google’s mass digitization of the world’s books for their http://print.google.com project. Members of the German main association of authors are in uproar claiming books are being digitized by Google without their authorization. Google … Read More
